Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

The latest on cannabis for menopause relief

It’s going to be interesting, looking back years from now when there is some sort of body of research on how cannabis works to improve our peri/menopause experience.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

2022 North American guidance on HRT treatment

In the summer of 2022 we were treated to new guidance from the North American Menopause Society for the use of menopause hormone therapy, aka MHT, aka HT (aka the treatment formerly known as but still often called HRT).

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

The problem with anti-depressants and perimenopause

The menopause transition is getting more and more press these days, but too often that coverage casually – and, it can be argued, irresponsibly – talks about antidepressants as a routine treatment option for mood issues.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

Starter kit for wrapping your head around menopause

I interviewed the famous makeup artist and businesswoman Bobbi Brown the year she was turning 50 (I was 37). When I asked her how she felt about it, and expecting dread, or something negative, there was a long pause.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

Why frozen shoulder is the signal symptom you don’t want in perimenopause

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition caused by a stiffening of the adhesive cap that covers the shoulder joint, causing pain, stiffness and immobility in one or both shoulders. It is a painful and movement-limiting condition, with three stages – freezing, frozen and thawing – that all told can add up to a two year arc.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

Show me the science: how estrogen reduction is impacting your metabolism (and what to do about)  

Wendy Kohrt knows a thing or two about our estrogen: she’s been studying its impact on metabolism for 30 years.  When she started out the common belief was that estrogen therapy was so effective that every menopausal woman should be on it – to the point that she had to justify the ethics of randomizing women to a placebo during her clinical trials. 

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

Why hot flashes can be like orgasms

I started leaning into my hot flashes. I stopped dreading them. Which means I stopped denying them. I started approaching each one with curiosity and detachment, as a neutral experience that I will soon get through, and that has made everything better.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

14 cheap (or free) ways to make perimenopause easier

The average woman, according to a report from the Female Founders Fund, spends US$2,000 a year on trying to manage symptoms. Here are a few evidence, expert and experience-based suggestions on how to tackle how you feel without forking over any more cash.

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Ann Marie McQueen Ann Marie McQueen

My 7 top tools for perimenopause panic and pain

I’d call my 40s a roller-coaster, similar to the kind of ride many women report experiencing in perimenopause. I would easily and often stew and ruminate about people, or their actions. Anxiety was near-constant; I was always fighting a lurking sense of dread – a feeling that hit hardest in the morning. I ran myself ragged trying to cope: exercising like a crazy person to feel better and on the weekends, drinking too much just to relax.

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